Ethics / Golden Mean / Virtue Ethics / Eudaimonia / Absurdism / Nihilism / Utilitarianism
One thought experiment can help us reconsider why we don’t put in our time and energy into solving problems greater than ourselves: if you saw a child in front of you drowning in a pool, would you try to jump in and save him at the expense of ruining your clothes, phone, and money in your wallet? The most sensible answer is yes - in the same vein, why don’t we feel compelled to help the proverbial “drowning child” on the other side of the earth? To answer this question, we’ll explore what exactly it means to be virtuous by revisiting one of Aristotle’s most notable works, Nicomachean Ethics, and juxtaposing these ideas with literature that embraces the philosophical absurd, which put ideas like nihilism into the field's forefront.